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V Narrow Bridge Farm Refrigerator Pickles
If you are nervous about canning pickles, make these instead -- they are great!
2 quart jars
1 Tbsp chopped dill
1 Tbsp salt
5 medium or 10 pickling cucumbers
1 tsp mustard seed
4 garlic cloves, crushed (or 1-2 garlic scapes, chopped)
6 peppercorns
1 cup vinegar
2 1/2 cups water
Cut cucumbers into long spears. Put in a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and dill. Mix until coated. Let sit 1/2 hour. Divide salted cucumbers into jars. Divide pepper, mustard and garlic and add to each jar. Combine vinegar and water. Add vinegar mixture to jars. Screw on lids and shake to mix. Put in fridge, eat next day! These last up to a week but you'll eat them up in a few days.