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Kale Quesadilla
Created by member Dan Rocakfellow. He made up this simple dish to use his kale in a kid-friendly way. Good as an appetizer or easy main dish. Other greens may also be used
2 tortillas
1 cup of kale - chopped
1/2 cup other veg on hand -- like bell pepper, tomato, onion, mushroom, etc, chopped
dash red pepper flakes
shredded cheese of your choice.

Quickly soften kale and other vegetables in hot frying pan with olive oil. Add pepper flakes to taste.
Sprinkle cheese on one wrap and spread kale thinly on top. Add more cheese and cover with second wrap. Return the quesadilla to the frying pan. Press with a pie plate and heat for about one minute more.
Slice into wedges and top with hummus, sour cream or plain yogurt.