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Senposai is a new hybrid of cabbage and Komatsuna, recently developed in Japan. Senposai is resistant to heat and grows well all year round. From the same Brassica rapa group as mizuna and other Chinese mustards, senposai resembles collard greens, but the texture of its leaves is more like lettuce. Like the other mustards, senposai is high in pro-vitamin A and ascorbic acid.

Storing / Preserving:
Senposai should be stored dry, in a perforated or opened plastic bag in the refridgerator.
Preparation / Use Suggestions:
This unique vegetable has sweet taste of cabbage and tenderness of Komatsuna, excellent for salad, stir-fry and pickling. From the same Brassica rapa group as mizuna and other Chinese mustards, senposai resembles collard greens, but the texture of its leaves is more like lettuce.

Raw, the leaves have a mild mustardy taste. The pungency disappears when you cook it. Mixed with other vegetables in a stir fry, or all by itself sauteed with olive oil and garlic, senposai is a sweet flavored green. You only need to cook it a few minutes!