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V Minty Pickled Hakurei Turnips
Ferment Your Vegetables: A Fun and Flavorful Guide to Making Your Own Pickles, Kimchi, Kraut, and More Book by Amanda Feifer
Hakurei turnips are the perfectly round, diminutive, white turnips that have taken farmers' markets across the country by storm in recent years. They hail from Japan and their flavor is milder than their larger turnip counterparts. They have a delightful, juicy crunch that lends itself perfectly to pickling. While mint may be an unexpected pairing, it makes for a truly refreshing pickle.
1 pound hakurei turnips or other small turnips, greens removed
1 Tablespoon kosher salt
2 cups filtered water
Three 3-inch sprigs of fresh garden mint, for use post-fermentation
Trim and quarter the unpeeled turnips and place them in a quart jar. There should be about an inch of space between the top of the vegetables and the rim of the jar.
Mix the salt into water until dissolved and pour the brine into the jar, ensuring that there is a thin layer of brine over the vegetables.
Using your preferred method, (a smaller jar works well), submerge your veggies and cover your jar.
Place your jar on a small plate or bowl and allow to ferment at room temperature, away from direct sunlight, for 1 to 2 weeks.
Once you're happy with the acidity, remove the weight and stick the mint springs into the jar, weighting them down with pickles. Secure the lid and place the jar in the fridge. After 3 days, you may remove the mint sprigs. Your minty turnips are ready to eat!
Yield: 1 quart