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Bok Choy
Bok Choy is an Asian member of the Cabbage family that has a mild flavor. It consists of long, thick, white stalks, topped by blue-green spinach like leaves. Bok Choy is a very good source of calciium and vitamins A and C.
Storing / Preserving:
Bok Choy will keep in the refridgerator in a plastic bag with a damp paper towel for about a week.
Preparation / Use Suggestions:

Bok Choy is a familiar vegetable in Chinese restaurants, where it appears in soups and many stir-fried dishes. It can also be steamed, roasted or eaten raw in salads and the stems are excellent dipped in hummus or other dips. Bok choy has crunchy stems and crinkled, spinach-like leaves. Baby bok choy is what you will receive at the farm, and they're more tender than the larger variety.