Farewell 2013 farm season

Morning after the ice storm a week ago.

Something to look forward to next spring. Twice as many strawberry plants as 2013 which should mean more strawberries for everyone!

Notes From The Field
One Last Time, for 2013
By Derek McGeehan
It's a bit strange to be writing the final 'Notes From The Field' during what feels like, this year, the dead of winter even though winter officially began yesterday, Saturday, around noon or so, and temperatures will probably be warmer than they've been in over a month. When was the last time temperatures approached 70 degrees? September? I was already thinking about how this little heat wave will melt the snow and allow the moisture to percolate down through the ground now rather than the end of February or early March (when I need to begin tractor work and and field preparations for the growing season). Right now, though, it is definitely too early to worry about that part of the season because we still haven't had our break yet. Hopefully that is what January will be for. Fortunately, we've been able to check a lot of administrative work off of our to-do list already including orders for our seed potatoes (1,650 pounds), sweet potato slips (2,500 plants), organic fertilizer (4,000 pounds), cover crop seeds (2,000 pounds), and potting soil (14,000 pounds). Next up is finalizing our irrigation and farm supplies order which is just about finished and then starting on our seed order and simultaneously working on our overall crop and farm plan. The reasons we try to accomplish these tasks early on in the winter is to take advantage of discounts/sales and to not have to think about it when we need to take a break or vacation (I also don't like to procrastinate). Another task that has been taking up a lot of our time is wrapping up the purchase of the homestead from the township. We're hoping to settle with the bank and township in January and then begin remediation of the stone farmhouse shortly thereafter.
What I've really been meaning to write this whole time is how thankful we are for you, our supportive CSA members. Without you we wouldn't be here and able to farm using a wonderful CSA model, so thank you. Your support, besides helping us pay the bills and be financially sustainable, helps craft a local, organic, healthy food community and allow for diversified open space. Dana and I love being here and farming this way and feel extremely thankful and fortunate that we found this opportunity. With your support, we'll be here for many, many seasons. See you in 2014!
Expected Harvest
To Be Root Heavy
By Derek McGeehan
Final harvest #6 should include potatoes, garlic, beets, kohlrabi, rutabaga, radishes, turnips, cabbage, and a choice of spinach or lettuce mix. Send someone strong to the farm because as of now our plan is to distribute about 18 pounds of produce!
Reminder: Pick Up on Monday
By Derek McGeehan
Just one last friendly reminder that pick up this week is on Monday from 3-7 PM!
2014 CSA Membership!
By Derek McGeehan
Don't forget to sign up for the 2014 CSA season. Registering is very easy and can be accomplished through the website. Prices are the same as 2013 (and 2012, '11, '10, '09, & '08).