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September 25, 2022
Workshifts for Week of 9/26/22
by Farmer Derek

Fall crops glowing in late-afternoon light in the Hoop House.
There will be weekly work opportunities through the first week of November. We'll be harvesting roots and tubers, pulling weeds, splitting garlic bulbs into cloves, and transplanting and mulching those cloves.
If you signed up for a CSA share with work discount but are unable to work please consider remitting payment in lieu of work sooner rather that later.
This week's workshift schedule:
  • Tuesday 9/27 10am-12pm
  • Wednesday 9/28 10am-12pm
  • Friday 9/30 10-12pm
  • Sunday 10/2 8-10am
Bring gloves, water, a hat, sturdy shoes, and a pad for kneeling (if necessary for you)!
We meet under the large red maple at the end of the barn by the pick up room.