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Notes From The Field | October 30, 2022
Water and Color
by Farmer Derek
The ends of the Hoop Tunnel are being modified to enable easy tractor access. Inside resides curly kale for Late Fall.
It's a nice time of year. Even though it's been our wettest October in 14 seasons (3 inches above the average), the beauty of the fall foliage makes it all worth while. We continue to retrieve crops from the fields while our managed footprint outside shrinks. Most of our storage crops have now been harvested for safekeeping. Last week we pulled in the remainder of the beets, hakurei turnips, and red cabbage. While crops are coming in we're also continuously unloading crops that were harvested a while ago like potatoes, garlic, and onions. After curing for a couple of weeks, sweet potatoes will grace the pick up room during weeks 25 & 26. The supply of most greens remains steady and plentiful. The new variety of fall kale remains impressive. In fact all of the fall brassicas have performed well this year. On the horizon is trying to find a window to plant and mulch the 2023 garlic. Typically we do this around election Tuesday and will plan to do so again this year (we may try to fit it in this week if weather cooperates). Approximately 300 lbs of cloves are separated from bulbs, though every year we plant more than the previous year because we feel we can never have too much garlic. Hope you're able to enjoy this great fall weather outside amongst the trees and colorful leaves!