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July 9, 2023
Workshifts for the Week of July 10th
by Farmer Derek
Farmer Connor in the barn managing CSA distribution.
This week's workshift schedule:
  • Wednesday 7/12 9-11am, 6-8pm (hopefully wrap up the carrot harvest)
  • Friday 7/14 8-10am
  • The Great Garlic Harvest (take 2), Sunday, July 16th
    • Three shifts, 8-10am, 9-11am, 10am-12pm
    • If you were signed up for this past Sunday you'll need to sign up again.
Bring gloves, water, a hat, sturdy shoes, and a pad for kneeling (if necessary for you)!
We meet under the large red maple at the end of the barn by the pick up room.