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Notes From The Field | October 22, 2023
Final Approach
by Farmer Derek
Sunrise fall farm pond scene.
The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is now visible. With four more weeks of CSA pick up, barring any extreme weather events, we should now be able to map out the harvests fairly accurately through the final week of pick up. Crops will be earmarked for specific weeks, some based on their cold tolerance and when we need to retrieve them from the field, others, like the roots and tubers, based on their storability and when they were initially harvested. Sensitive field greens will be harvested first, then hardier varieties, then crops in the tunnels.
This is the first season in eleven years that we're not hosting a Late Fall or Winter CSA. Our goal is to distribute as much of our crops as possible prior to the conclusion of Main Season. If there are tunnel and hardy field greens worth harvesting after that, and we have an abundance of some storage crops, me may host the occasional 'flash sale' over the winter months.
With the absence of the six-week Late Fall that would take us through the end of the year but with the additional two weeks of Main Season, there may be some some kinks in our system as we attempt to perfect seeding, planting, and harvesting dates for the late season crops (Late Fall CSA had around 100 full-share-equivalent members picking up each week compared to 300 during Main Season). It will be interesting to see how it shakes out and how we'll decide to perfect it next year. I really enjoy the mix of roots, tubers, greens, cabbages, etc this time of year and hope you do too!