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November 30, 2020
by Farmer Derek
Harvesting greens in the Hoop Tunnel while the boy practices gymnastics. Homeschool phys-ed.
Good morning! I hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and were able to incorporate some of your share into your celebratory meals. Perhaps you introduced the interesting radish varieties to some novice eaters at the appetizer table or made a cabbage dish that could feed your family for a week. So many Thanksgiving dishes seem to be 1/3 cheese, 1/3 butter, and 1/3 vegetable. I'm ready for uncomplicated meals and salads. Fortunately lettuce and greens will not be in short supply for the final month of this growing season!
We were able to give farm work a nice break so not much has changed since we last wrote. This week we'll probably wrap up our seed and plant orders and make some serious progress with the 2021 Crop Plan and Rotation. Supplies need to be ordered soon to qualify for preseason discounts. I would love to finish the bulk of winter's administrative work during December and I may work towards that goal. The next round of holidays will be here before we know it so there's really not much time. Maybe if the ground dries out we'll spread some compost. We're seriously considering the rehabilitation of one of our outbuildings which will require a good amount of pre-construction clean up. When my mind tires and my body needs some physical exertion there's plenty of fenceline and woodland edge clean up to stay in farming shape. Otherwise I feel I can embrace the work this time of year that requires me to stay inside a bit more. Regardless there are about two full days each week devoted to harvest and distribution so there won't be too much downtime just yet. That's for January (hopefully). Happy December!
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