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July 7, 2019
Eggplant is Here
By Linda Dansbury

Eggplant looking good and quite large.
This week, some of us will receive eggplant and hopefully they will be with us for the remainder of the summer. Wonder how to keep it fresh? If you plan to use it within a day or 2, just store in an open plastic bag in a cool place. If you are going to keep it longer, place in a perforated or open plastic bag with a paper towel and place in the veggie drawer in the fridge. Use within 5-7 days. There are ways to freeze it, but I really don't like to do this with raw eggplant - I will prepare a dish and then freeze the dish instead.
A couple of my favorite eggplant dishes on this site that are perfect for the veggies we are receiving now are a delicious main course called Eggplant and Green Beans in a Spicy Garlic Sauce and Grilled Eggplant with Honey Soy Glaze. There are many other yummy recipes, so search for them and enjoy!
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