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October 3, 2021
Fall Deliciousness
By Linda Dansbury
Fall farm scene (photo credit CSA member Mary Penney).
This has certainly been an interesting year! Epic tomato harvests, both from the farm and my own garden. I have made creations from tomatoes I had never ventured to make before - I bagged and froze the tomatoes when the harvests were so high, and now that I can breathe a bit, I have taken them out and made puree, juice, pizza sauce, and even paste! All are straight forward to do, they just take some time. How have you been enjoying your harvest? Email me at lindadansbury@comcast.net and please put Anchor Run in the Subject line so I can find your message. Below are a few things I have recently made.
Swiss chard - since it is now fall, and we are enjoying more soups and stews, I have added it to minestrone soup that I had made earlier and froze. I chopped the stems and added them early in the reheating process and then added the chopped leaves about 10 minutes before eating.
Swiss chard, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, onions, garlic - made a chicken recipe that was called a chili, but it was more a delicious stew. It called for making the veggie "base" - saute onions, add garlic and then a lot of chopped up peppers and whole canned tomatoes (mine were out of the freezer; I partially thawed them, removed the skins and core and rough chopped). Recipe said to bake chicken, de-bone it and then add it to stew, but I cooked chicken parts right in the stew and it turned out great. It did not call for chard, but I added that too. Yum.
Kale - I used most of my kale by making Kale Pesto and Kale Caesar Salad.
Okra, eggplant, onions, garlic, tomato, sweet and hot peppers - made a veggie stew. Sauteed onions, garlic and peppers until just barely soft. Added chopped eggplant, and okra cut into "coins". With this addition, added cumin, garam masala, a bit of cinnamon, salt and pepper and stirred everything up for a couple of minutes. Added chopped tomatoes and then simmered until everything was soft. Served it over basmati rice - it was delicious! Best part is that I have some in freezer for the future.
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