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October 30, 2016
Frost Tolerant Vegetables
By Derek McGeehan
Main Season CSA Harvest #25 (Week A) should include sweet potatoes, kale, leeks, lettuce, arugula, greens mix, spinach, bok choy, endive, escarole, chard, potatoes, napa cabbage, cilantro, dill, and miscellaneous roots. Some items will be a choice and may not be available during all pick up times. U-pick should include cilantro, dill, and parsley. The perennial herb gardens needs to rest for the winter.
Like most of what is grown outside on the farm this time of year, these "breen" mini-lettuces tolerate the first few rounds of heavy frost. Lows on Wednesday and Saturday mornings bottomed out at 29-30 degrees; when they drop farther into the 20s is when we need to begin covering some crops with floating row cover, or accept damage.
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