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August 9, 2020
"Fruitful" Time of the Year!
By Linda Dansbury
Eggplant and okra blowin' in the wind as Isaias departs.
I am loving the fruit part of our share! The watermelon is so, so sweet, the blackberries sweet and tart at the same time - I just received my cantaloupe yesterday so haven't cut into it yet but the fragrance is amazing. Check out Member Ideas and Suggestions for a simple blackberry recipe.
We continue to enjoy having Caprese Salads and Bruschetta, alternating days, as I have previously written. I am making different versions of Zucchini Bread and freezing it for simple desserts later in the year. See below for a few other things I did this week - and please send me how you are enjoying the harvest at lindadansbury@comcast.net - and please put Anchor Run in the subject line.
Onion, garlic, zucchini, basil - we are enjoying our zucchini by doing variations on simply sauteing them. Dice up some onion; mince or grate garlic; saute until lightly browned. Add zucchini cut into matchstick sized pieces, into zoodles, or just sliced - how large the pieces are defines how long the zucchini needs to cook. I am loving the zoodles, because they basically just get warmed up. Add toasted nuts and chopped fresh herbs to "dress it up".
Okra - slice into coins, heat olive oil and drop Okra pieces in. Brown on one side, then turn over and brown on the other side. Drain on paper towels and immediately salt and eat - be careful, these are an addictive snack!!
Peppers, Onions, herbs - had breakfast for dinner - sauteed peppers and onions until nice and soft and slightly browned. Added beaten eggs and cooked until cooked but not completely firm. Topped with some grated cheese and had a nice local sausage with it.
Watermelon, tomato, basil, mint, hot pepper, onion - made the Watermelon, Heirloom Tomato and Goat Cheese Salad from this site. Refreshing and delicious!
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