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February 10, 2019
Happy Mid-Winter Everyone!
by Farmers Dana and Derek

A beautiful paper birch note received upon our return - thanks Kati!
Happy Mid-Winter Everyone!
We hope this brief note finds you well and happily steeped in the solitude and solace of wintertime. The farm has been in full shutdown mode the past month or so after the conclusion of the Late Fall CSA and our mini Flash Greens Sale in early January. Your farmers need a rest and recovery period every winter in order to re-energize bodies and spirits. January is a perfect time to take a break from the farm and this year we made sure we took that opportunity (it's been many years since we had a true getaway). Being fortunate to have family and friends in good places to venture during our Bucks County winter we visited the Bay Area of California, Kauai Hawaii, and Washington State. It was exactly what we needed. We went on a lot of hikes and bike rides and played on the beach, in the ocean, and at many a playground. We saw friends and family we haven't seen in a long time and enjoyed many a good meal. We're thankful for the opportunity to have taken this trip.

Hiking in Waimea Canyon State Park on Kauai.

Hiking in Koke'e State Park.

Kekaha Beach Park surf trials.
And back to the farm: Now that daylight has surpassed the 10-hour mark and speeds towards the Equinox we'll follow suit and ramp up farm work and get fully ready to start the 2019 growing season in our greenhouse at the end of the month. Between now and the beginning of April it will be a slow and steady increase in the quantity and pace of outdoor work. Each week we'll sow thousands of seeds into flats in the greenhouse and embark on some general farm maintenance and clean up. Starting in early April we'll begin planting those thousands of plants outside and from then until mid-May our workload will increase exponentially until we suddenly begin harvesting and distributing your produce to you. In late April or early May workshifts should begin and you can start helping us on the farm in lovely spring weather.
For now, though, make sure you sign up soon for the 2019 Main Season! We are putting the finishing touches on our crop plan which is purely based around the total number of CSA members we have each year. Having members sign up and at least put in the $200 deposit helps us feel confident we'll once again reach our membership goal. Since we're still in the planning phase for the upcoming season please feel free to reach out with any hopes or suggestions. The 2018 growing season was a challenge for sure but we're feeling positively good that 2019 will be a great one!
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