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May 14, 2017
Harvest Season Commences!
By Derek McGeehan
sea of greens
Harvest #1 (Week A) should include kale, spinach, chard, bok choy, arugula, mizuna, broccoli raab, green garlic, oregano, mint, and winter savory. Some items will be a choice.
What is green garlic? Good question! It is the young/immature garlic plant, edible in its entirety. Simply use like a leek or a scallion.
Most of the greens this week can be used interchangeably in a salad, stir fried, sautéed, smoothied, or gently cooked on the stove top.
There may not be any u-pick this week as we attempt to round out the portion of the share that we harvest with herbs from the perennial herb garden. With the expected heat wave this week, crops should grow by leaps and bounds and u-pick should begin shortly. Strawberries, peas, and herbs picked by you aren't far away! Thank you for understanding.
Farm dog Borcie strikes a pose between beds of spinach and chard. Miracles of row cover plus an extra fertile previously fallowed field allowed these crops to grow fast and furiously.
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