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May 30, 2021
July to March Temps!
By Linda Dansbury
No caption needed, but here is one.
The week started out quite warm, so we grilled. As I write this, the last couple of days have felt like very early spring, so we have taken stews out of our freezer! Here are a few of the things we enjoyed this past week. Share what you are enjoying - either in a recipe or a methods and/or ask a question. My part of the newsletter is to help you enhance the enjoyment of your farm share. Email me at lindadansbury@comcast.net and please put Anchor Run in the subject line so I can find your email.
Bok choy - I love these little baby bok choy - you can do so many different things with them - add to salads, stir fries, saute, roast. This time, I used an Asian type dressing with sesame oil, soy sauce, a touch of rice vinegar and a bit of rice vinegar. Brushed the dressing on the veggie and placed on direct heat for about a minute per side - they will burn easily so don't walk away. When they came off the grill, we sprinkled toasted sesame seeds on them. A very nice accompaniment to grilled fish.
Swiss chard, green garlic - the small leaves are really fun to use in different ways: add to salads, saute with garlic and red pepper flakes, make into creamed "spinach" and more. This time I used it in a ravioli dish, in which I sautéed the garlic, added small tomatoes and cooked until tomatoes were browning and the juices were thickening up. Added a bunch of Swiss chard leaves, the cooked cheese ravioli and a large spoonful of pesto that was in the freezer from last year. Yum!
Kale - finished up my kale by adding it to a stew that was in the freezer (the stew included a lot of late fall share farm ingredients).
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