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August 8, 2021
Lots of Great Cooks!
By Linda Dansbury
Checking on the health of young field crops (rutabaga seen here).
I abbreviated How I Enjoyed My Harvest because I got several great ideas from fellow members this week.
Mindy Bence has been an Anchor Run member since it's inception and did the recipes for the first few years until I started doing it. She is a terrific cook and sent me a recipe called Simple Oven-Roasted Tomato Sauce. I can't wait to try this! Mindy wrote this note to me: "Oh my Gosh - we just found a way to cut our tomato waste to ZERO! Jeff loves tomatoes, but we have a full share and I don't eat any nightshades, so I needed to find a way to preserve the yummy tomatoes! All you need is a sheet pan (often called a 1/4 sheet - it is rimmed 12 x 17". Mine are Calphalon; I have 4 and they are some of most used kitchen pans), some good olive oil, some garlic, (recipe called for a shallot and I subbed 3 scallions) and easy peasy sauce! This was so good, Jeff asked for a juice glass of it as a beverage!" Check it out with the bounty of tomatoes we are receiving - I know I will!
Casey Constantini sent me a note saying "I wanted to share a recipe I made with ingredients from this week’s share. It’s a delicious Salsa Verde that uses tomatillos, jalapeño, garlic, cilantro and onions. It turned out great and would be an awesome addition to tacos, enchiladas or just to dip chips in!" I am eager to try this, because unlike other tomatillo salsa recipes, everything gets roasted together.
Another inaugural Anchor Run member, Robin Hoy sent me a recipe for Indonesian/Asian-Style Tempeh with Veggies. Robin said she combined a few recipes to come up with this one. It uses a wonderful variety of veggies we are receiving and I am looking forward to trying this dish!
Thanks to all for sharing and please email me at lindadansbury@comcast.net, and please put Anchor Run in subject line so I can find your email.
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