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June 28, 2020
More new veggies!
By Linda Dansbury
A colorful yarrow mix for the pollinators. Also supports beneficial insects such as damsel bugs, lacewings, lady beetles, and parasitic wasps (per Johnny's Selected Seeds).
The addition of crops is coming almost at the speed of light! This week is green beans and cucumbers. I think most people have their go to recipes for each of these but over the coming weeks, depending on the harvest size, I will likely make suggestions you may not be familiar with - please also check out this site and search the respective crops for some ideas.
I am still learning about all these veggies - I just read a post from The University of Calif, Davis, stating their research shows that cucumbers should NOT be stored in the refrigerator, because they are sensitive to temperatures lower than 50 degrees and cold temps make them prone to injury, water-soaked areas and accelerated decay. If you want them to be cold, store them in fridge for no longer than 3 days and store toward the front where the temperature is a bit warmer. I guess that is a good thing at this time when our fridges are so full of other veggies! The nutritional value of cucumbers is that they are very low in calories and yet still provide decent amounts of potassium, fiber and vitamin C.
To store the green beans, place in a reusable plastic container or bag in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. Green beans provide the body with fiber, vitamins C, A and K, plus smaller amounts of minerals.
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