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October 10, 2021
The Roots are back!
By Linda Dansbury
I find it so interesting that we tend to end the season much the same way we started: a large variety of greens plus salad turnips, radishes, kohlrabi and beets. Here is a bit of info for each in case you missed it in the spring.
Turnips - these beautiful little white orbs are one of my favorites - and the tops are also very edible. Slice them into salads, eat out of hand alone or dipped into hummus, or just salt them a little. Or cook them on the stove top in a little oil until browned and a bit tender - drizzle with soy sauce and/or sesame oil and eat with almost anything. If you are not going to use them within a couple of days, cut the greens off and store separately. The greens can be added to soups and stews, or at the end of sauteing the turnip, add greens to the pan to wilt them a bit.
Kohlrabi - again, these are great eaten raw, sliced into salads, or eaten as a snack simply salted or dipped into hummus. They store for a long time, but the longer they are in the fridge, the stronger the "cabbagey" taste gets, so then you may prefer them roasted, incorporated into a slaw, or try the Kohlrabi Slaw recipe on this site.
Beets - this time of year, we receive what I like to call storage beets, because the greens are removed and they are in the cooler for a bit. I like to roast them to bring their sweetness back. I think I will also make the Chocolate Beet Cake soon - guests won't know that this rick cake is full of healthy beets! I also like the Quick Roasted Beet Slices.
Enjoy the bountiful fall harvests!
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