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October 3, 2021
The sweets are In!
By Linda Dansbury
Sweet Potato Mountain with a 6' summit.
It must be fall if the sweet potatoes have been harvested! They are so delicious and so, so good for us! The skin is very delicate and tears easily, so when we receive them, they will not be washed.
The best way to store your sweet potatoes is in a cool, dry, and dark area, like your basement, pantry or the back corner on your kitchen countertop. Keep them in a bowl or basket so that they are self-contained. When ready to use, wash and scrub their skin before you cook them. Don’t store sweet potatoes in the refrigerator, as the cold air can activate their sugars and starches, causing them to spoil faster. Store them away from a heat source, too. And while you shouldn’t put sweet potatoes in the refrigerator, you can, surprisingly, freeze sweet potatoes. Frozen sweet potatoes may be stored for up to 12 months. You must start with cooked sweet potatoes, which should be peeled and boiled. Once a fork can easily pierce their flesh, slice or mash the cooked sweet potatoes and top them off with a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice, which will preserve their vibrant orange color. Place the potatoes in the freezer in plastic bags and lay them flat.
There are many ways to enjoy your sweets - I like them best simply baked or roasted with other fall/winter veggies including onions/leeks, potatoes, beets, etc. You can also try Oven Fried Sweet Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes, Apples and Braising Greens among many other delicious recipe ideas!
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