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July 21, 2019
What are husk cherries?
By Linda Dansbury

Ripe husk cherries turn gold and often lose the gravity battle.
Husk cherries/ground cherries/cape gooseberries are in the same family as tomatoes and tomatillos and are very nutritious. The ripe fruit have a good amount of beta-carotene. Plus, they also have significant amounts of calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, bioflavonoids, protein, and fiber. On top of this, ground cherries only have 53 calories per 3.5 ounce serving.
Ground cherry flavor profile is somewhat tropical. The flavor has been called a cross between a strawberry and pineapple. They are delicious as a healthy snack eaten all by themselves. But, their high pectin content makes them perfect for Ground Cherry Jam, Ground Cherry Pie, fruit compote, an addition to salsa verde, and as a component in a Corn, Basil and Ground Cherry Salad. My personal favorite is Ground Cherry Salsa - if you chop everything by hand it does take some effort, but it is worth it! They keep for a long time just sitting out on your kitchen counter - leave the husks on them. Since they have such a long shelf life, you can also save up a few week's harvest and then use them up.
They are also one of the easiest crops to harvest - just pick the ones up that have fallen off the plants - yum!
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