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July 14, 2019
What to do with Tomatillos
By Linda Dansbury

A ripe tomatillo fills out and splits its husk.
Tomatillos are in the same family as tomatoes and eggplant and are very nutritious. Since our farmers have added the black fiber between the beds, they are so easy to harvest: the contrast of the color of the fruit to the black makes it easy to spot the fruit - just be careful walking the rows - the walkways are uneven. Tomatillos are ready to harvest when the husk starts to dry/turn yellow and splits open. The fruit often falls out of the husks, so they can be just picked up off the ground.
Tomatillos keep for a couple of weeks when stored in a plastic bag in the fridge. It is best to remove the husks before storing. I normally keep a couple weeks of pickings and then make into salsa or a sauce.
My favorites recipes are the Chicken Stew with Tomatillo Sauce and of course, Salsa Verde, which is what tomatillos are probably mostly known for. I make several batches a year of the tomatillo sauce for the chicken recipe. It freezes great and I always have the basis for an easy meal at hand. I have added a new version of Salsa Verde recipe to this site, because I love to broil or grill them and get that smokey flavor.
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