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June 4, 2017
Green, greens, and more greens!
By Linda Dansbury
Look at all those ripe red strawberries!
Returning members are familiar with this article that I put together pretty much every week - it's kind of the weekly version of the "Now What" Workshops that many of you will hopefully attend. Not only do I share some of the ways I enjoy my harvest, but I also post things that you, the members, send to me about how you are enjoying your harvests.
A couple of you sent me a couple of things already - due to being quite sick last week, I haven't dug through my mail yet but will get to your emails. If you have a suggestion, recipe or just a question, please email me at lindadansbury@comcast.net and please put Anchor Run in the subject line so I can find your email.
Green garlic, greens - Chinese pepper steak - I know that this dish normally doesn't incorporate greens into it, but I added the bok choy in toward the end and it was really good this way!
Spinach - made the Spinach Salad with Warm Bacon Dressing. It made a simple, delicious meal when paired with a nice piece of salmon.
Broccoli raab, mizuna, green garlic - did simple sauteed greens with red pepper flakes - they were admittedly lovingly bitter but we ate them alongside steak and mashed potatoes, so they were really perfect as a combination.
Various Greens - we have been enjoying a variety of salads with many of the greens including arugula, lettuce, mizuna, Swiss chard.
Kale - made Kale Chips a couple of times and added some kale into a soup that I had in the freezer
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